hornady reloading handbook 7th edition

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The 7th Edition Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading features nearly 1,000 pages of information covering new powders, bullets and loads for over 200 rifle and handgun cartridges. The 7th Edition Hornady Handbook is a practical and comprehensive reference that belongs on the bench of every reloader novice and expert alike. All of the ballistics tables can be found on the web at www.hornady.com/ballistics.
Technical Details
- Includes 7th edition reloading handbook
- Updated with more loads than ever
- It's the most comprehensive cartridge reloading data you can find anywhere
- Laminated hardcover for long life and durability
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By Michael Eckhardt (Douglas, AK)
This, and the Speer book, are what I refer to most often. And that's how I judge how useful it is. I particularly like the layout as it makes it fast and easy to get to the relevant information.
By 5864c (idaho)
This manual has everything you need to know about Hornady bullets. Reloading isn't what it used to be.
By John Hull (Midwest, America)
Whether you are new to handloading or have 40 years of experience under your belt like I do, the latest Hornady Reloading Manual is a must have, invaluable tool.
It covers the latest cartridges, the latest powders, and the latest ballistic data. Of course, all loads featured use Hornady bullets. That is, after all, their forte. Particularly useful is the section on loading for the M1 Garand semiauto rifle of World War II fame. The Garand is rugged and reliable as rock, but the gas operated action requires that powders and bullet weights be within certain parameters to avoid damage to the rifle or shooter. This information will go a long way to keep those old warhorses functional.
I highly recommend this manual to anyone interested in the shooting sports. It is worth every penny.
By Ferd Werffle (Canada)
As per Hornady's usual standards this book is a wealth of knowledge and reasonably up to date reloading data.
My last Hornady manual was a 2 volume set with one volume being ballistics tables. This volume is a single book with no ballistic information. Ballistic information, however, is available on the Hornady web site. This defeats the purpose of buying a printed book but does keep the price down so overall it seems to be a fair trade.
There are a lot of new loads in this book. Some new cartridges can be found here as well.
One draw back to printed manuals is the inability to immediately stay abreast of the latest happenings. Since this book was printed there has been many new powders, bullets and even cartridges that have come out that will not appear in print until the next version comes out.
Drawbacks aside, Hornady provides, in addition to reloading data, excellent information on hand loading metallic cartridges.
Overall a great book and one that deserves to be in the library of all reloaders.
By Nutty Prof. (chicago, IL)
I have read some other reviews that recommend looking at a collection of reloading guides. I disagree 100% with this attitude. If you are using Hornady bullets (arguably one of - if not the best) then this is the book you should use. Lyman does not make bullets (do they?) so their research can get complicated since it covers too many variables. I suggest using a manual specific to the brand of bullets you are using and follow the recomendations carefully especally the brand of primers recommended. The case brand is the least important but if you can find the brand recommended for your caliber use them. I would not use any cases other than American made (Remington, Winchester) if you cannot locate the Hornady cases for example. I always choose the powder that produces the lowest velocity with the highest number of grains and start there. This reduces the chance of detonation and if you are doing things correctly (like using a device that measures actual velocity) you can work your way up from there. More is not better when it comes to reloading. Since I use nothing but Hornady bullets this is the only manual I need.
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