heatmax hot hands 2 handwarmer (40 pairs)

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Air activated hand warmers
Technical Details
- Provides up to 10-hours of heat
- It is an air activated and safe hand warmer
- It is versatile for any use
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By M. Klinker
These hand warmers are just wonderful. I have used them for a few years and always keep a few in my purse during the winter months. I have given them to senior citizens that I have seen waiting for a bus and they were so grateful. I also gave a box to my Eye Dr. to give to patients awaiting laser surgery. It is amazing how comforting having a warmer in you hands when you are nervous. Great product. Cannot imagine life without them. They are also great for children traveling on school buses. You will not be sorry you purchased them.
By Richard Niewiroski Jr. (Pasadena, CA USA)
I ride a motorcycle every day and in the morning, my hands are absolutely freezing when I get into work. A friend bought me a couple pairs of Grabber Hand Warmers. They worked so well, I rushed out and bought these HeatMax Hot Hands 2 because the price was slightly cheaper, the reviews were very positive, and I thought I'd get similar results. I was so wrong. The HeatMax warmers did not get anywhere close to being as warm as the Grabber warmers did, nor did they stay warm as long as the Grabbers. I went through and reread the positive reviews on this product just to see if I missed something. I can very honestly say I have no idea how this product got so many positive reviews. I'd be highly cautious when reading them because I'm certain some of the reviewers haven't tried other similar products.
This was a complete waste of a purchase for me. I'm going back and ordering what I should have ordered in the first place. I should have ordered Grabber Hand Warmers.
By skimetron (Palo Alto, CA USA)
We have now used these for two ski seasons and they have worked great. They stay very warm for at least the length of a ski day (5 to 6 hours) and usually for a few hours longsr.
They need oxygen to work, so we shake them when we open the package, then put them in our gloves after a few minutes. Once in awhile we take them out of the gloves and shake them again. That's all that's needed for hours of heat. I don't know if they would work as well in ski boots since they might not get enough oxygen.
By Cogman (boulder, co)
For some reason I do not seem to get anywhere close to 10 hours of heat. I have been using these for my gloves for skiing. Often they seem to go dead within four hours. They also do not seem to get as warm as many hand warmers I have used.
By Daniel Levitt
These are great, but tend to cool down too fast. When skiing or snowboarding it is very cold outside, and taking off the glove to "refresh" (shake and expose to air) the warmer isn't easy. Moreover, this "refreshing" doesn't keep it warm for long enough. I think that these warmers are a must-have when skiing or boarding, and should be in everyone's gloves, but note that although your hands won't be cold, they also won't be warm. Cheers.
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