407 black tactical marching compass

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Features a durable metal case that withstands bumps on the trail. Liquid filled accuracy with bright neon indicators for moonlight reading. Durable and dependable.
Technical Details
- 17X5.9X2.1cm Aluminum cast case
- Black anodized
- Liquid filled with neon indicators
- Magnifying readiung lens
- Slide ruler for map work
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By Rambo (SC,USA)
Buy cheap you get cheap. It works but I don't know how much abuse it can take. I have to tap it with my finger to get the pin to move but when it is done I have found the readings to be consistent.
By Mark Masse
This compass first of all is plastic instead of the metal ones I am used to in the military. Most importantly the magnet they have used for this product is a very very weak magnet. Took at least four attempts to orient the device to finally get a reading of north on it. For 8$ I got what I paid for; If you want the item that the military uses save yourself the trouble and go to the surplus store in your area. Lesson learned
By loving gramy
Had this compass sent to my grandson for his birthday to go along with a tent and camping supplies. While it is late this year to use it outside, I know he will enjoy it next spring when he can again take advantage of the great outdoors. It was shipped immediately so it arrived in time for his celebration.
By Skull Fungus (Bham, AL)
You can probably get one cheaper else where, but this one has all the basic features you would expect, it's all metal, and seem to be fairly acurate.
After some field testing, I'll modify my review.
By enzo matrix (washington)
let me start off by saying that this is an incredible device for land navigation!
its made out of very sturdy material and with it, you'll never get lost!
notice that the product information you have to be 18 years old to purchase, i never understood why until one day a couple of my friends on my curling team (its a sport in canada) and i went on a camping trip, (no, get those thoughts out of your mind its not like that)we stayed out too late hiking and it was getting dark.
someone was throwing things at us, we thought they were rocks but upon closer investigation we discovered that they were actually NINJA STARS!
from out of the shadows a ninja appeared and he said, "I want your Military Marching Lensatic Compass! with it i can rule the world!... and really hot super model-type chicks."
i replied, "No! I will never give my Military Marching Lensatic Compass to the likes of you!"
He beat up my friends pretty easily (they're french) and I was the only one left... it was a showdown between me, the self proclaimed champion of curling, versus this ninja.
the ninja and i fought a pretty intense fight and he actually beat me.
he opened up the Military Marching Lensatic Compass and the needle was spinning. it gave him such a headache and made him dizzy and while he was trying to run away, he fell off a cliff and exploded.
during that time, i navigated my friends to a hospital using my Military Marching Lensatic Compass.
this super model naughty nurse red headed chick asked me how i was able to find my way out of the forest and i showed her my compass and she got all hot over this and asked me if i wanted to "navigate" her to her house for some love making. - i totally did, i had to!
i'm glad the ninja didn't get a hold of my Military Marching Lensatic Compass because i'm sure he would have found some way to use it to rule the world.
ordering this comes with great responsibility, so you better be 18 like the product info says.
...oh yeah, the next person to post is a giant douche bag.
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