Dirt Cheap Airfare Just Isn't Possible. Or Is It!
Airfare dirt cheap. Is is still possible? Unless you've been living on Gilligan's Isle you've seen what the current gas prices and the shrinking value of the dollar is doing to our economy and the cost of travel.
It is possible to get yourself a great price on dirt cheap airfare if you know just a few basic tricks. Even this age of higher inflation.
And remember, airfare dirt cheap only means getting a heck of a lot better deal than the person sitting next to you got.
1. Bump Your Way TO A Better Price.
Yes, this method has been around for quite awhile but still, many people have never tried it. Your main goal is to try and give up your seat to someone else on an overbooked flight. When you do, you can most often get the next flight out at an incredible discount.
It is harder to do these days but as the airlines cut flights and personell I expect this to make a roaring comeback soon as less flights mean less seats.
You must be able to have a somewhat flexible schedule and get to the airlines well before your departure time to let the staff know you will bump if the flight is overbooked. Once you get the hang of how this technique works be prepared to save some real money!
2.The Bucket Shop Method
Almost everyone would agree that you can save quite a few buck by traveling Expedia, Hotwire and a few others but have you ever tried Bucket Shop?
It is possible to save up to %50 or more using this method. Even better is that these aggregators are just as easy to deal with as using the internet to book your flights.
These businesses are consolidators who buy their tickets in big blocks. They buy them at a fixed price and you never have to worry about restrictions or other airline rules.
It's not unusual to find airfare dirt cheap from one of these guys for flights already sold out by the airlines saving you a nice chunk of change.
There are many consolidators to choose from such as Bucket Shop, Travel Hub, Air Brokers and others if you know where to look. So, what are you waiting for! Get creative, save some cash!
3. The Break Up Your Flight Method.
Seems illogical I Know but it does work. Quite often you can save a load of money by just breaking up your trip a little. Book separate flights to a couple of cities on your way to your final destination instead of buying a single trip ticket. It can save you cash.
I know it may mean an extra stop but so what. You are looking for airfare dirt cheap right? There are ways and times they are a changing. You can save big bucks if you are willing to play the game.
4. Take Your Luggage And Ship It!
That's right! Because of all the extra charges the airlines are slapping on you for packing it with you, it just may pay you to ship your luggage via UPS.
You may find that by doing a little checking around with UPS, FedEx and others that you will come out quite a bit ahead by doing this.
If you have a ton of bags you are carrying of just a large family in tow the savings will wow you! Another great perk? Shipping your luggage will guarantee they get there when you do! No such guarantee from any of the airlines I have ever flown with.
Well, there you have it. Just a few tricks that can save you some cash. There are tons more if you know where to look so stop paying full price! You can save yourself some money. Take my word for it and it can be easier than you ever realized.
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