Health Concerns in India-For Visitors
Health Concerns in India-For Visitors
Tips for Good Health
It is certainly possible to travel in India without getting sick. But it is also possible, even being terribly careful, to get sick here. Besides personal hygiene (wash hands often, keep finger nails short, treat minor cuts and scrapes immediately) travellers should be concerned with three key areas-clean water, cooked food, and avoiding mosquitoes. The most common and incapaciting diseases are gastro-instestinal upset, hepatitis and mosquito borne diseases are gastro-instestinal upset, hepatitis and mosquito borne diseases like dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, filarial and malaria.
Water – Clean drinking water, these days, is not too difficult since bottled water is sold in most places. These days bottled water are a fairly mature industry and supplies seem reliable. Check the seal, and see if things are floating in it before buying. A certain amount of suspicion can be healthy.
Freshly cooked food is safest. Food left sitting can attract flies, which may have winged over from a nearby latrine.
Be wary of salads and fresh vegetables garnishes. There isn’t much awareness of washing vegetables before serving. I don’t even trust the fanciest of restaurants enough to eat raw vegetables there.
Fresh fruit juices can be a problem, since many tropical fruits blend into a pulp that you have to dilute with water. It’s unlikely that the vendor is adding expensive bottle water.
Ice can be suspect, especially if it has arrived in a block carried on a bicycle and dropped off on the street in front of the restaurant.
Use a good repellant. You can bring one from the home country, but there are quiet adequate repellants here. Odomos is one of the good brands and is freely available. Dusk seems to be the” Mosquito Hour” say 5:00 to 6:oopm. One trick is to try and get a room as high above the ground as possible.
Bed Bugs
Bed Bugs-not related to mosquitoes,but extremely annoying is the problem of bed bugs.Best way is to look for tiny blood smears or stains on the sheets or even the walls.Or look in the cracks on the bed or under the mattress for bed bugs. If you find your room does have bed bugs, move immediately to another hotel.
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