Cheap Student Airfares
Maybe I'm misreading the media, but it's starting to seem like intelligence is no longer a common attribute for depictions of students. In fact, it seems to have been replaced by a decided lack of intelligence, or at least common sense. After that, though, the next most common trait seems to be a lack of wealth, a trait that is by no means limited to media depictions. Which brings us to the point of this article: cheap student airfares.
Sometimes students have to travel. Whether they're flying home for the holidays or abroad for extra credit, or just taking a trip with friends over summer break, they're as likely as any (and more likely than several) to need some super cheap airplane tickets - and presumably in a hurry, because if our education system teaches anything well, it's how to master the fine art of procrastination. This of course begins the hunt for cheap student airfares, dirt cheap airline tickets, and any other sort of inexpensive airfares, things that these days are not as easy to find as they once were (especially if you wait until the last minute).
The good news is, that while both the costs and hassle of airline travel have been increasing, so too has the number of websites that offer super cheap airplane tickets, dirt cheap airline tickets, military discount airline fares, and, of course, cheap student airfares. So how do you find cheap student airfares on the web? Well, it helps to be internet-savvy enough and patient enough to be able to hunt down the absolute best deals, and booking early never hurts, but another key tactic is to be pragmatic about your flight.
Look, the fact is that you're going to be spending hours in an uncomfortable chair, waiting for the chance to finally get on to things you actually want to do, quite possibly bored out of your mind. So, probably not much different than those general education classes you're taking three days a week for requirements (and, if you're unlucky, possibly not much different than the classes in your major, either). So yeah, it might be a bit inconvenient to have to layover in Atlanta for an hour or wake up at four AM to catch a flight, but if doing so can save you a couple hundred dollars, isn't it worth it? Especially late in the game, the cheap flights are going to be the ones that are least convenient for people. You know, kind of like how when you wait until three days before registering for classes, the only ones left have things like a 7 AM start time five days a week.
Certain websites offer cheap student airfares, and others just have really good deals. If you hunt around patiently enough and early enough, and don't let a few more inconveniences added to an already pretty inconvenient process turn you away, you can get a dirt cheap airline flight with relative ease.
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